




With a workforce of more than 17,500, SEHA is one of the biggest employers in the UAE. The company invests heavily in being an employer of choice, creating a work environment that encourages individual performance and clearly defined opportunities for career advancement. Regular surveys of employee satisfaction and workplace concerns provide invaluable feedback that guides the development and implementation of best-practice human resources policies.

SEHA fosters a work environment that embraces diversity and provides equal opportunities, while also devoting resources to empowering uae nationals to attain jobs at the company. Listening and remaining responsive to seha’s employees’ opinions is a chief component of SEHA’s people strategy.



SEHA’s Muhakat program is an Emiratization initiative offering high school and university students practical experience of different roles within the healthcare sector, encouraging talented young nationals to experience such fields and increase the number of UAE nationals working in the medical professions.


The initiative was launched in 2012 and attracted about 200 students from high schools and universities, arranging for them to visit SEHA facilities and be introduced to services such as Pharmacy, Laboratory, and Emergency.


Muhakat now draws about 500 Emirati students every year from almost 30 schools, helping them to determine their future careers based on practical experience. The program is open to pupils from ninth grade to high school, and to students from colleges and universities in Abu Dhabi.




All employees should read through the handbook and endeavor to understand all of SEHA’s human resource policies and procedures.




As the largest healthcare organization in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, SEHA encourages the professional training and development of UAE nationals – and non-nationals, where space is available – in the field of medicine. One of the most important periods for development is the internship – a concentrated, supervised clinical experience in all major medical Specialities.


Medical internship is a one-year clinical training program, on completion of a formal medical program, and consists of several clinical rotations over a defined period. The main aim of the medical internship program is to consolidate the medical knowledge and skills acquired through formal medical education with more immersive clinical work in hospital and outpatient settings. Clear learning objectives and expectations for each clinical rotation aim to enhance the skills necessary to provide safe and effective patient care.


At the end of the training period, the intern should have the required knowledge, skills, and attitude to work as an independent general practitioner.



Internship training is a supervised learning experience

Appropriate care of the patient is central to the educational endeavor

Proper education, which respects the autonomy and personal dignity of both patient and trainee, optimizes patient care as well as the educational experience


To prepare interns for future independent practice, they will have the opportunity to participate actively in the provision of healthcare; that is, they must have hands-on experience in a system of delegated and graded responsibility. By doing, as well as observing, interns learn how to question, examine, diagnose, manage, and treat patients, and to adopt the necessary attitudes towards patients, their relatives, colleagues, and other members of the healthcare team.



In determining the eligibility of an applicant for licensing with Health Authority-Abu Dhabi (HA-AD) as an intern, applicants must comply with eligibility requirements:


UAE nationals who are graduates from approved UAE medical schools or any medical school listed on the Avicenna database (formerly the WHO Directory of Medical Schools), or

Expatriate graduates from approved UAE medical schools listed on the Avicenna database, depending on availability of places. There is a small fee for expatriates wishing to pursue an internship program.



Applicants for the internship program must provide:

Evidence of successful completion of an approved medical education program

Medical school transcript

Passport copy

A color photograph




Attracting and motivating UAE nationals to work in the healthcare profession is a long-standing SEHA priority, using all available means to attract the largest number of qualified candidates and support them in their healthcare training.


As the main healthcare provider in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, SEHA is geared to extending the best healthcare to the UAE as a whole. Therefore, it has an inherent responsibility to develop the national workforce and equip individuals with qualifications to meet market needs.


The health sector faces great challenges in attracting national professionals due to the lengthy academic years of study and the nature of the work after graduation, in comparison with other specializations. However, SEHA is confident that the national workforce can contribute towards the establishment of an effective corporate environment in the health industry, alongside the existing scientific and practical expertise.


Healthcare is one of the main areas requiring exceptional care, as this sector is essential for both the health and social wellbeing of the community. In response, SEHA offers motivational development for the sector, as well as measuring the Emiratization ratios in its facilities, nurturing the personal and professional skills of Emirati employees, and providing them with every opportunity to build their experience and expertise.